ROC Curves and AUC Score

Jayanth Jadhav
3 min readDec 6, 2023


The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve is a graphical plot that illustrates the diagnostic ability of a binary classifier system as its discrimination threshold is varied.

It is created by plotting the true positive rate (TPR) against the false positive rate (FPR) at various threshold settings.

True Positive Rate (TPR)

TPR = True Positives / (True Positives + False Negatives)

Where: True Positives (TP) — number of positive instances correctly classified by the model False Negatives (FN) — number of positive instances incorrectly classified as negative

False Positive Rate (FPR)

FPR = False Positives / (False Positives + True Negatives)

Where: False Positives (FP) — number of negative instances incorrectly classified as positive True Negatives (TN) — number of negative instances correctly classified by the model

The TPR, also known as sensitivity or recall, measures the proportion of actual positives that are correctly identified.

The FPR, also known as fall-out, measures the proportion of actual negatives that are incorrectly classified as positives.

By plotting TPR vs FPR across different thresholds, the ROC curve demonstrates how the number of correctly classified positive examples varies with the number of incorrectly classified negative examples.

This enables visualization of the tradeoff between sensitivity and specificity for a classifier.

Interpreting ROC Curves

ROC curves typically plot TPR on the Y axis and FPR on the X axis. A random or useless classifier would result in a diagonal line from the origin to the top right corner, indicating a 50–50 chance of accurate classification. A perfect classifier would have a plot going straight up on the Y axis to (0,1) and then right along the top edge to (1,1).

The closer the ROC curve lies to the top-left corner, the more accurate the classifier. Curves closer to the diagonal represent less accurate classification.

The area under the ROC curve quantifies this interpretation — higher AUC values indicate better classification.

State-of-the-art classifiers often exceed 0.9 AUC.

Advantages of ROC Curves

Some key advantages of using ROC curves for model evaluation include:

1. ROC curves demonstrate the whole range of a classifier’s capabilities independent of class distributions or error costs. The curves are unaffected by changes in proportion of positives or negatives.

2. ROC analysis is threshold independent. Performance is shown across all possible thresholds. This allows comparison of models without having to commit to a single operating point.

3. Curves aid in visualization of performance tradeoffs so models can be selected based on particular needs and constraints.

Area Under the Curve (AUC)

The area under the ROC curve provides a aggregate numerical measure of model accuracy. AUC scores range from 0 to 1, with higher scores indicating better classification ability.

A model with an AUC score of 0.5 is equivalent to random guessing while a score of 1.0 depicts perfect classification.

Some advantages of the AUC metric are:

1. It provides a single numerical metric that is easy to compare across models.

2. As a threshold-independent measure, AUC conveys a model’s overall accuracy rather than precision at a particular operating point.

In practice however, AUC scores have some limitations as well. For example, AUC scores of two models can be numerically similar but have very different performance at critical operating thresholds.

The scores may also not capture impact of errors versus correct classification in different use-cases. So like most metrics, AUC should not be used blindly without considering particular project needs and constraints.

# Load necessary libraries

# Generate sample data (replace with your actual predictions and true labels)
true_labels <- sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE)
predicted_probs <- runif(100)

# Create a ROC curve
roc_curve <- roc(true_labels, predicted_probs)

# Plot the ROC curve
plot(roc_curve, main = "ROC Curve", col = "skyblue", lwd = 2)

# Add AUC score to the plot
auc_value <- auc(roc_curve)
legend("bottomright", legend = paste("AUC =",
round(auc_value, 3)), col = "skyblue", lwd = 2)


In summary, ROC curves and AUC provide useful tools for evaluation, comparison and selection of binary classification models. Visualizing performance through ROC curves enables a comprehensive, threshold-independent understanding of classification capabilities. AUC metric provides a simple aggregate numeric measure of overall accuracy. Used judiciously along with other metrics and subject matter constraints, ROC analysis allows models to be objectively assessed for decision making systems.



Jayanth Jadhav
Jayanth Jadhav

Written by Jayanth Jadhav

Explorer. Student. Learner for Life.

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